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Checking In On Our Anger 

After checking in with myself, I realized I had some work to do to better manage my anger. – 29, UK

Men, anger, and reality: challenging misconceptions

Our Anger Check can serve as a screening tool to get a better sense of the frequency and intensity of anger in your life. Each question asks about a different aspect of anger and how often it has been affecting you over the last four weeks. Let’s get a better sense of how intense your anger has been lately using this Anger Check.



Help us explore the complex connections between men's mental health and identity by participating in the Men's Capacity Building Study. Your insights will contribute to a deeper understanding of how relationships impact well-being, helping to shape better mental health support for men.


Participants may enter a draw for one of four $100 prepaid Mastercards.


Take the survey today and be part of this important research.

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We Are Commited to Truth and Reconvilliation 

Black Men's Therapy Foundation acknowledges that we are living and working in the traditional territories of the Anishinaabeg, in Toronto (T’karonto – Mohawk term), covered by Treaty 13, which has been stewarded since time immemorial to this very day by the Haudenosaunee, the Wendat, Petun, Seneca and most recently by the Missauagas of the Credit River First Nation and is home to many Indigenous Peoples.

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